
Paika, Palai,




Varicose ulcers are open sores that occur on the skin usually on the lower leg, due to damage and
dysfunction in the veins of the affected area. This is a vascular disease. They are often caused by
chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a condition that affects the blood flow from the legs back to
the heart. The resulting pressure and fluid buildup can cause the skin to break down and form

There are different stages of varicose ulcers, which are characterized by their size, depth, and
Stage I: The skin around the ulcer is discoloured and inflamed, But the ulcer has not broken
itching around the blackening spots
Stage II: The ulcer has broken through the skin and is shallow, with a reddish-pink base and
irregular borders.
StageIII: The ulcer is deeper with yellow or grayish base, oozing out with bad smell
Stage IV: The ulcer is very deep with black base and may invole the underlying muscle and


  • Maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise to improve blood circulation
  •  Avoid prolonged standing or sitting.
  •  Elevating legs above heart level when sitting or lying
  •  Practice upward massaging.
  •  After allergy test follow strict diet plan
  •  Avoid high protein diet and practice fiber food
  •  Take nutritional supplements for improving blood circulation


Extreme ulcer may lead to amputation. For avoiding this complication take consultation at early
stage. Allergy test and follow the correct diet table in all stage of ulcer

Stage I
Inflammation, Itching and discoloration is first sigh of varicose ulcer then take strict diet,
exercise and nutritional supplements for improving blood circulation
Stage II
When ulcer starts take proper dressing and wound keep dry. Take low protein diet and nutritional
supplements for improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation
Stage III
Wound depth increasing after culturing take proper antibiotics for reducing infection. Special
wound dressing 2 times per day. After culturing advice proper antibiotics and medicine. Intake
proper nutritional supplements for improving blood circulation, increasing HB and reducing


Dia –Heals management is a special treatment for all vascular disease. Proper medication,
nutritional supplements, correct diet and exercise get fast and affordable for varicose ulcer
management. We saved thousands of people from unhealed ulcers.