
Paika, Palai,





Healthy Leg & Healthy Life

Our Specialty

Our healthcare facility offers speedy and cost-effective treatment management, including proper diet, nutrition, exercise and proper medication that cater to a wide range of diabetic complications, ulcers, and varicose veins. You can rely on us to provide efficient and affordable healthcare services for these conditions.

Improve blood circulation

Engaging in regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy diet can help improve blood circulation.

Prevent all diabetic complications

managing blood sugar levels, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and attending regular medical check-ups can greatly reduce the risk.

Prevent Amputation

it is crucial for individuals with diabetes to maintain good foot care, manage blood sugar levels, quit smoking, and attend regular medical check-ups.

Prevent secondary Amputation

infection or poor blood flow, and ensuring proper wound care, as well as continuing to manage diabetes and attend regular medical check-ups.

Prevent varicose ulcer

managing the underlying venous insufficiency through measures such as compression therapy, exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Healing varicose ulcer

managing the underlying venous insufficiency through measures such as compression therapy, wound care, and addressing any underlying infection or inflammation.

Our Service

We provide fast and affordable treatment packages for diabetic complications, ulcers, and varicose veins. Rest assured that you will receive prompt and efficient care without financial strain. Don’t let these conditions limit your quality of life, let us help improve your health and wellbeing.

Expert care at your service

Dia-Heals is equipped with cutting-edge infrastructure and a team of highly skilled clinical and paraclinical personnel, making us home to the most experienced experts in the country. Our personalized services extend beyond expert medical advice to include tailored nutrition and diabetic products recommendations. We recognize that every patient is distinct and, as such, we remain dedicated to providing customized treatment solutions that cater to your unique needs.

Diabetes Diet

Nutrition and Diet for Diabetes
The nutrition department’s three main components, namely dietary services, diet counseling, and diet analysis, play a crucial role in managing diabetes. By recommending an appropriate diet, these three D’s aid in preventing complications, ultimately contributing to better diabetes control.

Diagnosis and Tests

Within the hospital, the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics plays a critical role, with dietitians and diabetes educators forming a vital link in the paramedical team. The 3 D’s of the nutrition department, including dietary services, diet counseling, and diet analysis, significantly contribute to controlling diabetes by prescribing suitable diabetic diets, thus reducing the risk of complications. Beyond addressing nutritional needs, such programs supplement therapy and have a direct impact on the morale and attitudes of patients and their families.
At Dia-Heals Diabetes Specialities Centre, dietitians and diabetes educators assume the responsibility of reviewing patients’ diets and medications while also providing education on insulin techniques, home blood glucose monitoring, and kit usage. They also conduct education programs aimed at raising awareness of diabetes and healthy diets for patients and their attendants. By offering counseling services such as monthly group therapy sessions for type-1 patients and group therapy programs for in-patients using ‘conversation maps,’ these professionals can improve a patient’s mental and emotional well-being.

Prevent Diabetic Complications

Levels of diabetes prevention

Primordial prevention: The increasing prevalence of diabetes calls for immediate action to prevent or at least slow down its progression, in addition to managing associated complications. The urgent need of the hour is to focus on preventing diabetes and its complications. Diabetes prevention efforts should be implemented at all stages of the natural history of diabetes, resulting in four levels of diabetes prevention.
Primary prevention: The primary focus of diabetes prevention is to target individuals who are in the prediabetes stage, to prevent the onset of diabetes. It is recommended that all people with prediabetes undergo regular screening and are encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, and weight management, as an effective measure to prevent diabetes.
Secondary prevention: For individuals who have already developed diabetes, the focus of prevention shifts to preventing the onset of complications associated with the condition. This can be achieved by maintaining good control over blood sugar, blood pressure, and lipid levels through a healthy lifestyle and the appropriate use of anti-hyperglycemic medications.
Tertiary Prevention: The goal of prevention in individuals who have developed complications of diabetes is to prevent further progression to end-stage complications by limiting disability and implementing rehabilitation measures.
Overall, primordial and primary prevention efforts are crucial for promoting the health of the entire population by preventing the onset of diabetes and its risk factors. On the other hand, secondary and tertiary prevention efforts aim to restore the health of individuals with the disease by preventing further complications and improving overall well-being.

Foot Care

Understanding Diabetes Foot Care

Diabetes can significantly impact the foot, making it a critical area of concern for those with the condition. The Foot Clinic at Dia-Heals Diabetes Specialities Centre is well-equipped with facilities for the early detection and diagnosis of diabetes-related foot complications.

Diagnosis and Tests

Foot examination: At the Foot Clinic of Dia-Heals Diabetes Specialities Centre, a regular foot examination is conducted to identify any early symptoms of neuropathy (nerve damage), ischemia (reduced blood supply), foot deformities, callus formations resulting from neuropathy, as well as infections and necrosis.
Biothesiometry: The Biothesiometer is a useful tool for detecting and measuring the loss of foot sensation in individuals with diabetes.
Doppler: The Doppler is a diagnostic tool that can aid in the detection of reduced blood circulation (ischemia) in the foot.
Foot pressure distribution measurement: The Foot Pressure Distribution Measurement System is a valuable tool for measuring the pressure distribution in areas of the foot that are susceptible to calluses and corns. This technology is also utilized in designing customized diabetic footwear that can redistribute pressures effectively, thus preventing the formation of calluses and corns.

Ulcer Healing

Ulcer healing refers to the process of treating and repairing a wound or sore that has developed on the skin or mucous membrane. In the context of diabetes, ulcer healing typically refers to the treatment of foot ulcers that may arise due to nerve damage or reduced blood circulation in the feet. The process of ulcer healing involves the removal of any dead or infected tissue, followed by wound dressings, medications, and other interventions that promote the growth of healthy tissue and prevent further complications.
The treatment of ulcer healing may involve a combination of medical and surgical interventions, depending on the severity and location of the ulcer.

Medical treatments may include the use of antibiotics to control any infection, pain management, and the application of various dressings or topical medications to the ulcer site.

Surgical interventions may involve the debridement or removal of any dead or infected tissue, as well as revascularization procedures to improve blood flow to the affected area. In some cases, skin grafts or other reconstructive procedures may also be necessary to promote healing.

It is important to note that proper wound care and close monitoring are crucial to the successful treatment of ulcers, especially in patients with diabetes. Additionally, managing blood sugar levels, maintaining proper foot hygiene, and wearing appropriate footwear are essential in preventing the recurrence of ulcers.

Prevent Amputation

Preventing amputation in individuals with diabetes involves early detection and treatment of foot ulcers and other foot problems, as well as careful monitoring and management of blood sugar levels. Here are some key steps to prevent amputation:

Regular Foot Exams: Regular foot exams by a healthcare professional can help detect foot problems early, before they become more serious.

Good Foot Care: Proper foot care can help prevent ulcers and other foot problems. This includes daily washing and inspection of the feet, using lotion to keep the skin moist but not wet, and wearing appropriate shoes and socks.

Blood Sugar Management: Keeping blood sugar levels under control can help prevent nerve damage and improve blood flow to the feet, reducing the risk of ulcers and other complications.

Quit Smoking: Smoking can impair blood flow and increase the risk of ulcers and other complications, so quitting smoking can be an important step in preventing amputation.

Medical Intervention: If a foot ulcer is detected, prompt medical intervention can help prevent infection and promote healing. This may include antibiotics, wound care, and other treatments to improve blood flow and prevent further damage.

Overall, preventing amputation in individuals with diabetes requires a combination of regular foot exams, good foot care, blood sugar management, lifestyle changes, and prompt medical intervention when necessary.


Prevent Secondary Amputation

Secondary amputation refers to the need for further amputation after an initial amputation due to inadequate healing or development of new complications. Preventing secondary amputation requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes regular foot examinations, prompt management of any foot problems, and proper wound care.

To prevent secondary amputation, it is important to follow a comprehensive diabetes management plan that includes monitoring and control of blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Patients should also be advised on the importance of foot care, including daily inspection of the feet, wearing appropriate footwear, and avoiding walking barefoot.

Regular foot examinations by a healthcare professional, including neurologic and vascular assessments, can help identify any early signs of foot problems. Proper wound care is also crucial, including cleaning and dressing of any wounds or ulcers, as well as offloading pressure from the affected foot.

In some cases, specialized wound care may be necessary, including the use of advanced dressings or treatments such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Surgery may also be required in some cases to remove infected or necrotic tissue.

Overall, prevention of secondary amputation requires a coordinated effort between the patient, healthcare providers, and specialized wound care teams to ensure proper management of diabetes and timely intervention in case of any foot problems

Varicose Vein

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted, and swollen veins that often appear bluish-purple or red in color. They usually occur in the legs, although they can develop in other parts of the body as well. Varicose veins happen when the valves in the veins that are responsible for regulating blood flow become weakened or damaged, causing blood to pool in the veins and leading to their swelling and twisting. This condition can be painful and may cause discomfort, swelling, and skin changes in the affected area. Treatment options include lifestyle changes, compression stockings, and medical procedures such as sclerotherapy, laser treatment, radiofrequency ablation, and surgery.

Varicose ulcer

A varicose ulcer, also known as a venous ulcer, is a type of skin ulcer that occurs on the lower leg or foot as a result of damage to the veins in the affected area. This damage leads to poor blood circulation, which can cause the skin to break down and form an open sore. Varicose ulcers are most commonly seen in individuals with chronic venous insufficiency, which is a condition that occurs when the veins in the legs are unable to efficiently return blood back to the heart. They can be painful and may take a long time to heal.


You can receive diabetes care conveniently from your own home.

Dia-Heals continuously strives to provide the highest quality diabetes care. We have recently launched home care services, including home blood collection, medicine delivery, nursing care, physiotherapy, and more. With these services, we can monitor your health comprehensively from the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need for you to travel to our facility.

Advantages of Home Care Service

  • Blood samples can be collected from your residence.
  • You can avoid the hassle of early morning travel. We will come to your home for both – Fasting and postprandial blood sample collection.
  • You can come to see our doctor as per the appointment schedule when the reports are ready- no need to wait at the clinic!
  • You will be able to save your valuable time.
  • Convenience of having nursing care and physiotherapy at home

Controlled & Uncontrolled Glucose Level

Glucose level refers to the amount of sugar present in the blood. A controlled glucose level refers to maintaining the blood sugar level within a healthy range, whereas an uncontrolled glucose level indicates that the blood sugar level is either too high or too low.

In the case of diabetes, maintaining a controlled glucose level is crucial to prevent long-term complications. Uncontrolled glucose levels can lead to various complications such as nerve damage, eye damage, kidney damage, cardiovascular disease, and more.

Thus, regular monitoring of blood sugar levels and adherence to a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, are essential to keep glucose levels under control. Additionally, medication or insulin therapy as prescribed by a healthcare professional can help manage glucose levels in those with diabetes.